About Praxis

Praxis is a word of Greek origin that means practice, as opposed to theory. As a single word, it challenges notions that are all talk and no action. It means practice, not necessarily perfection. It exemplifies in a single word the value of putting your all into something you believe in. It guides our ethos as a team that is still growing and evolving. It captures (we hope) the passion we have for the job we do. 

Praxis is small and deft by design, bringing a team approach to all of our work in advocacy, elections, and communications. We seek out new challenges and innovative approaches to achieve unexpected results. And we are committed to supporting a new generation of leaders and strategists ready to build our future.

Collectively, we bring a diversity of experiences as managers, strategists, activists, students, organizers, press contacts, and more. And our lived experience has provided us with unique perspectives as much as our professional experiences. Perspectives and experience we bring to the table to help make the changes we want to see in our world.

Our Team

Jake Weigler

Meet Jake

Megan Wever

Meet Megan

Meg Olson

Meet Meg

Madeline Neely

Meet Madeline

Our Current & Former Clients

Our Work

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