About Meg
As a Partner at Praxis, Meg serves as our digital strategist across a variety of projects and leads strategic planning and day to day management for her clients.
After starting out on Democratic campaigns in Marion and Polk Counties, Meg began to focus on digital communications through roles at the National Foundation for Women Legislators, the Coalition of Oregon School Administrators, and the National Organization for Black County Officials. Across these organizations, she worked on various state policy issues with elected officials and school leaders, advising communications and digital strategy.
At Praxis, Meg has overseen digital strategy for dozens of political campaigns, managing five and six-figure budgets for advertising and communicating with voters and audiences across the state. She has also managed multiple projects focused on issues she cares deeply about, including working to elect more women to office, and helping the Community Alliance of Tenants pass critical renter protections during the pandemic.
Meg currently serves as the State Director for Oregon Families for Vaccines, working to promote pro-immunization policies across Oregon, and serves as Co-Chair of the Women’s Foundation of Oregon C4 Committee.
Meg has a Bachelor’s Degree from Willamette University in Politics and Civic Communications & Media Studies and a Master’s Degree in Political Management from George Washington University. She lives in Salem with her husband, children, her cat Ginger and her dog Lola. In her spare time, she is attempting to learn cake decorating.